Ethereum Classic 25

Co-owner Coinbase Pro ridiculed and called a stock exchange Scam

Co-owner Coinbase Pro ridiculed and called a stock exchange Scam

co-Owner and most popular forum about cryptocurrency Cobra called Coinbase Scam Pro trading platform American crypto currency exchange Coinbase. In his tweet he wrote «if you read Coinbase Pro back...


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Binance runs from regulators, but in the end will lose. Report MIT

Binance runs from regulators, but in the end will lose. Report MIT

the world's Largest crypto currency exchange is playing a dangerous game with the regulators. She continues to work as if the market is still bullish, that is, including increasing the capitalization at the expense of ICO. The exp...


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Chicoine lost. As the season altcoins will separate the wheat from the chaff

Chicoine lost. As the season altcoins will separate the wheat from the chaff

In the last few weeks the markets of altcoins show vigorous momentum. Many are already wondering about whether or not the season began altcoins? While the major cryptocurrencies has kept the relative peace that altcoins with small...


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Threat browser extension, or How easy it is to lose your cryptocurrency?

Threat browser extension, or How easy it is to lose your cryptocurrency?

We periodically remind you how cryptocurrencies don't fall for the tricks and in General not to lose their cherished coins. Methods of fraudsters develop from year to year and now some of them are so cleverly disguised and that ev...


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With the return of four Classic integrated into Ethereum blockchain Ethereum

With the return of four Classic integrated into Ethereum blockchain Ethereum

formally completes its development cycle and «back to basics» — soon, coins ETC will be maintained on the blockchain . Recall, a separate block chain Classic separated from the main cryptocurrency after the infamous hac...


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Attack 51% on Ethereum Classic impact on Metronome. What's wrong?

Attack 51% on Ethereum Classic impact on Metronome. What's wrong?

the Project is running on the platform of the token gave an update in his blog on Medium. In the post once again about the attack 51 percent ETC, and also told what steps the team plans to take. To prevent such attacks in the futu...


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Attack 51% do not affect the price of the cryptocurrency. Why?

Attack 51% do not affect the price of the cryptocurrency. Why?

So whether the threat of 51% attack, really? Of course, all this sounds scary, but in reality the price of a cryptocurrency is not so dependent on them. Let's try to understand how it all works. the Attack on Classic One of the bi...


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What altcoins will increase in February? Analysts forecast

What altcoins will increase in February? Analysts forecast

the Service published the results of its latest monthly poll of leaders of kryptonyte and FINTECH experts. The overall trend is quite positive — many believe in the imminent growth of digital assets, but in a strong bullish predic...


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Frosty January 2Miners: attack Ethereum Classic, delisting ANON, ZelCash and start work on a GRIN and RVN

Frosty January 2Miners: attack Ethereum Classic, delisting ANON, ZelCash and start work on a GRIN and RVN

Come February. This means that the beautiful spring is coming in just a month, and the time to sum up January. For mining-pool first month of the year was rich in events. The developers have updated the pools Zcoin, got rid of ANO...


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China has updated its ranking of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin jumped up

China has updated its ranking of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin jumped up

the Center for information and development of the industry (CCID) has published an updated rating, consisting of 34 cryptoprocta. This is the first rating of 2019, but already the ninth issued by the Agency. This time was able to ...


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Gold reserves: how much money in the insurance Fund BitMEX?

Gold reserves: how much money in the insurance Fund BitMEX?

the Hong Kong exchange has so much that can Fund attack 51 directly against the few altcoins for months. No, BitMEX is not going to ruin the stock market. We will focus on the volume of the insurance Fund trading platform and its ...


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CRYPTOMACH / Hacking Cryptopia, the abolition of hard forks Ethereum, 424 ETC for block and top coins for mining in 2019

CRYPTOMACH / Hacking Cryptopia, the abolition of hard forks Ethereum, 424 ETC for block and top coins for mining in 2019

January sets an incredible pace for the cryptocurrency market. For example, last week a successful 51 percent attack on Ethereum Classic and the announcement of Nvidia card RTX 2060. Beat is possible with very great effort, but th...


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What cryptocurrencies is mine in 2019? A list of the best coins for mining

What cryptocurrencies is mine in 2019? A list of the best coins for mining

Late last year for the niche cryptocurrency was very heavy. Hardwork and further brought down the market to the year's lows. The same Ethereum in the first half of December hanging out at 85 dollars, while Bitcoin barely showed si...


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Miners Ethereum Classic get for 424 coins per block instead of 4 — what network? The long-awaited answer

Miners Ethereum Classic get for 424 coins per block instead of 4 — what network? The long-awaited answer

Today will be remembered for miners Classic for a long time. Instead of the usual 4 coins as a reward for a block, they received 109, 214, 424 and even 844 ETC — which is about $ 3560. The generosity network not a little pleased, ...


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CRYPTOMACH / Attack ETC, the new GPU from Nvidia, 7 trillion capitalization of Bitcoin and preparing for the hard forks of Ethereum

CRYPTOMACH / Attack ETC, the new GPU from Nvidia, 7 trillion capitalization of Bitcoin and preparing for the hard forks of Ethereum

it's only the second week of the new year, but the festive atmosphere is long gone. She disappeared on the 7th, when hackers made a successful attack 51%. The attackers conducted a double-spending and made the community poorer by ...


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Attacked Ethereum Classic hacker returned the money exchanges. Conscience or a PR stunt teams ETC?

Attacked Ethereum Classic hacker returned the money exchanges. Conscience or a PR stunt teams ETC?

the story of the attack on the 51 has taken an unexpected turn. After applying the losses to the draft, the hackers allegedly returned $ 100 thousand cryptocurrency exchange This was announced by the representatives of th...


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Why the 51 attack Bitcoin will never take place? Expert's answer

Why the 51 attack Bitcoin will never take place? Expert's answer

this week the main topic of discussion was on the blockchain Classic. After a daring capture most of Hasrat althena more and more experts began to Express concerns about the security of the main cryptocurrency. As the network of B...


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Trap for the investor: how fraudsters use hardwork Constantinople in their favor?

Trap for the investor: how fraudsters use hardwork Constantinople in their favor?

the Upcoming hardwork and is a great opportunity «earnings» for fraud. Now the Internet can I find information about Nowa Ethereum blockchains and Classic Vision that is allegedly separated from both cryptocurrencies in ...


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How to calculate the profitability of mining. Top 7 best cryptocurrency calculators

How to calculate the profitability of mining. Top 7 best cryptocurrency calculators

the miners usually two questions: "how to live to the end of the month" and "which coin to start digging to later the year to buy a car". To solve the first problem, recommend a program about survival Beara Grylls. At the same tim...


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Bad story for Dash: one wallet owns 51 percent of Hasrat

Bad story for Dash: one wallet owns 51 percent of Hasrat

Today, one of the interested users of Reddit have raised the alarm. He noticed that although the overall Hasrat of a network of anonymous coins is 1.9 thousands of terresa, more than a thousand of them in the company . As reported...


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